eCommerce logistics: slow delivery means slow business
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Managing an eCommerce business is no easy task at all. At first, it may appear as if selling products or offering services online can’t be that much of a fuss. You hire a good developer, you get yourself a quality eCommerce platform, you work on your digital marketing plan and social commerce to gain in web traffic and sales. To be honest, most of you probably think that having a great marketing plan in place is the biggest hurdle to overcome on the road to big bucks. We may have to make you rethink your priorities and leverage your eCommerce logistics set up.

It is true that the key factor that will set an eCommerce business apart from its competition is how well you connect and engage with your potential customers. However, no matter how many people browse through your products, you will still be at loss if you don’t offer them fast and reliable delivery options.

Slow eCommerce logistics means slow death

The logistics side of your eCommerce business can truly bring you an enormous advantage in retaining current customers and winning over potential ones.

Just think of how important it is to grant to a customer a faster delivery than your competitors have in place. When it comes to holiday sales, making sure your client gets his last minute purchase in time for Christmas truly is something that impacts eCommerce sales across all marketplaces.

To help you out rethink your logistics and find new, more efficient options of delivering your products to customers, we put together the key aspects of logistics you need to be thinking of.

AM/PM Service is the most cost-efficient delivery option

Among all the options that shape customers' expectation the most, AM/PM service (order in the morning and get it by night) is what eCommerce business find most cost effective in terms of their investment. Amazon offers AM/PM service for as little as $5.99 on orders which don’t go over $35.

Find a managed transportation services provider for AM/PM delivery

AM/PM services can be a viable option only if you work with different couriers, one for every market you deliver to. To avoid that, the best option is to choose a good MTS (managed transportation services) provider that is specialised in local delivery.

Use technology to manage the customer experience

In the past few years, software specialists in the field have come up with technology that allows shippers to manage same day delivery in an efficient manner; these softwares grant, among other, pre-integrated courier network and the option to subscribe to delivery notification.

Create meaningful business partnerships

eCommerce delivery and shipping

If you think of it, even if the person that delivers the product to a customer is not a direct employee of your brand, for the customer, it is the face of the brand that has sent the product. This is why you should choose wisely when looking for a logistics firm you want to partner with. Your products should be delivered by someone who acts professionally, is on time, and  hands the products carefully. You also want the person that will deliver a product to be kind and polite to the customer that has purchased from you.

With this in mind, choose a logistics company that is reputable. Before hiring them, test the company personnel by having a product delivered directly to your door.

A satisfied customer is a returning customer

eCommerce customer service

The primary role of your logistics is to deliver products to customers in a timely and efficient manner. We just can't get tired of saying that to you.

If the customer gets the product as fast as promised, he or she will be satisfied with your service. If a customer is satisfied with your service, he or she will be happy with your brand and that means it’s very likely they’ll come back and shop with you again.

Moreover, they might also rave how great your service is to their friends and recommend your webshop on social media.

Investing in your eCommerce logistics quality and efficiency is simply worth it!

If you have any questions regarding the integration of logistics solution and your eCommerce platforms or you need advice on how to best do it, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to have a chat with you!

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